Calling for the 3rd International Peace Festival of little Storytellers; this time by inviting Rare Artist children
22 Nov – 02 Dec, 2018
Co-operation between the Rare Diseases Foundation of Iran and the ECO Cultural Institute in order to represent and discover the talents of the rare patients and enhance the spirit of peace and humanity in the ECO region.
The Group of Ambassadors for Peace and Friendship, Rare Diseases Foundation of Iran and the ECO Cultural & Costume institute in line with promoting the traditional and long-standing culture of “narrating and storytelling”, as well as the strengthening of cultural commonalities and customs in the ECO region, will host the “Third International Little Storyteller Festival” from the perspective of members and non-members of ECO countries with native and non-native tastes.
All the children artists in the field of painting, storytelling or stories writing on the theme of customary rituals based on stories and literature from the standpoint of their native culture are invited to create and post their original works for the International festival.
Festival Objectives:
- Improving narration art, story writing, storytelling and painting, with the aim of motivating and educating young storytellers and preserving and recording intangible virtues.
- Strengthening cultural and semantic commonalities and the impact on global peace
- Rejuvenating and promoting the poetry of the poets from all over the world and its relevance to peace in today’s life
Condition for attendance:
- The event is open to children and teenagers at the age of 6 to 18 years from different countries.
- Artists from RADOIR can publish their works in JPG format with a maximum of 2 MB mass and also the virtue’s ID (including artist’s name, age, nationality, subject, technique, and dimensions) as a compressed file under the name of the artist to public relation of RADOIR’s email address: or send it to the admin via telegram @BimaranNaderIran and for more information you can contact: +9821 669 18 285 & +9821 669 13 244-48
- If the artist wants to participate in the storytelling field, it is necessary to provide a video file of the story and send it to the secretariat of the festival along with the text of the story.
If artists want, they can observe the judging session of their virtues at the secretariat department.
- Each artist can prepare & submit two works for different fields: story or narration.
- Each story must be at least 15 minutes and and maximum 20 minutes, and also presented in Persian or English.
- The festival secretariat will ignore the virtues with low quality.
- The technique of the works presented in the field of painting is as follows:
- Using white and non-textured cardboard in the size of 30 * 40 cm
- Using painting tools such as color pencil, watercolor, pastel and black pen
Artists living in Tehran should submit their original works to the following address: 5th floor, No. 12, Mohajeri Khameneh Alley, after Nosrat Crossroad, North Jamalzadeh St., Enghelab Sq., RADOIR Public Relations Department
- The selected works will be displayed at the exhibition on December 10, 2018 at the Diplomatic Gallery of the ECO Cultural Institute.
- The selected works for the exhibition will be certified by the jury of the festival as the exquisite artwork