WHO: Life expectancy in Iran has risen up to 73 by health promotion
According to WHO report about the health situation in Iran, a decrease in the rate of maternal mortality leads to becoming the third successful country in this field.WHO has regularly reported the process of health progress in 194 countries that are members of this organization by the aim of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations in 2030. The organization has considered 9 indicators systematically including:
- Life Expectancy
- The rate of death because of Specific diseases
- Infectious diseases
- Coverage of health care services
- Risk Factors ( like high blood pressure, Tobacco consumption, alcoholic drinks, unsafe water Consumption, health, and hygiene)
- Health system, health costs
- Inequality in the distribution of
- health and treatment services and also fact and figures about social, economic and population alterations
According to the latest statistics released by WHO, the rate of maternal mortality has decreased up to 45% during 1990 to 2013, however, it hasn’t reached the goal of WHO that is 75 percent.
The 13 countries studied did not progress in this field. Iran has covered 97% of Sexual and reproductive health services which is close to the WHO ideal. Reproductive health is a right of all couples and individuals so that they can decide about the number and timing of their children freely.
At this juncture, more than 50 percent of Iranians can access safe water, that is one of the goals of the World Health Organization. On the other hand, while approximately 50% of all urban and rural household use solid fuel for cooking or heating, the amount of this consumption in Iran is 5 percent. Solid oil consumption is one of the causes of diseases in different societies. Globally, 2/6 percent of all diseases related to smoke of solid oil inner the houses and it can be seen in impoverished areas.
Seyed Hasan Rohani has become IR of Iran president since 2013 and he made effort to improve healthcare in Iran in 2014. Therefore, he has invested in the health sector as a priority of his administration. According to the statistics, more than 10 million Iranian population has registered for this plan in 2016 and everyone who has registered only pays 10 percent of his treatment costs on his own.
Meanwhile, the process of improving access to reproductive health causes reduction in maternal mortality and the accessibility of safe water has increased and got close to the organization’s objectives, the process of affecting by Viral infections, HIV and Malaria are on the rise and more steps should be taken toward reaching prospects of World Health Organization.
The prevalence of HIV in Iran has increased up to 21 percent between 1990 and 2013. Thus, Preventing and controlling the spread of the disease can take many years.
Since the objectives of the World Health Organization is reaching 75 percent decrease in Malaria, Iran experienced 36 percent decline in this field in 2013. In the same year, 520 cases of Malaria were reported in medical centers of Iran. This illness is more common in Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan and Kerman. After all, there was a growing trend in hygiene and health condition in Iran during the past two decades, to that extent life expectancy in the country has risen up to 73 years.
Bloomberg News in 2013, Iran is regarded as the forty-fifth country, before America and Brazil because of having improved health care system. The health authorities focused on impoverish area at the beginning of the implementation of the comprehensive Health Plan and inspired doctors to provide services for these people as well. Health care costs have reached 65 trillion Rials equivalent to 2.3 billion dollars, the budget is funded by reducing energy subsidies.
The World Bank reported the overall health spending in Iran 6/69 percent of GDP in 2013 and the global coverage was 10/10 percent. Per capita, health spending in the same year was $ 432.