After Eurordis representatives visit to Iran and having several meetings with Rare Diseases Foundation of Iran in July 2016, a memorandum of understanding aims to more cooperation on improving life of patients with Rare Diseases signed between EURORDIS and RADOIR.
Then, we provided required materials for membership application and sent them to Eurordis, our application for associate membership of EURORDIS was officially approved by the Board of Officers on September 19th, 2016.
We strongly believe that working together all patient associations will provide people with rare diseases with a strong and unique voice. EURORDIS with over 700 direct member organizations, is recognized and listened to as the European organization specialized in the needs of patients with rare diseases.

Besides, we have recently received the approval email for membership of Rare Diseases International organization.
The Council of RDI had reviewed our membership application and they welcomed us as full member of Rare Diseases International in November 2016.
As a rare disease patient organization working towards the mission and objectives of improving Rare Diseases patients’ life, we are now part of the global alliance of rare disease patients and families from all nationalities across all rare diseases.