A male fetus is detected in 32 weeks of gestational age via Trans-abdominal sonography, right unilateral phocomelia diagnosis.
RADOIR NEWS- A type of congenital and genetic disorder was diagnosed in a male fetus after applying Fetal MRI 3 days before birth delivery by Dr. Hamid,R. Edraki, head of radiology section at RADOIR. Its right shoulder, arm and elbow were screened. The upper parts were completely developed but the rest of right forearm bones were malformed. According to the result from 2D & 3D sonography, autosomal recessive genetic disorder was monitored as well. After delivery, phocomelia in right forearm bones was investigated through pathology of the newborn baby.
Phocomelia is a rare congenital deformity in which the hands or feet are attached close to the trunk, the limbs being grossly underdeveloped or absent. This condition was a side effect of the drug Thalidomide taken during early pregnancy, although his mother had not consumed any drug like Thalidomide.