Lupus Society was established in 2010 in view of the efforts done by Dr. Mahmoud Akbarian (Rheumatologist) with the purpose of supporting the Lupus affected patients.
PKU Society
Phenylketonuria Society was established in Iran more than 15 years ago thank to all the efforts done by a number of parents of the affected individuals, physicians, as well as subspecialists in endocrinology and metabolism, genetics, Brain, pediatric neurology, biochemistry and laboratory sciences rendering its services and supporting the Phenylketonuria affected individuals and their families.
Cystinosis Society
Cystinosis is a metabolic disease that is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of the amino acid cystine in different organs like kidneys, eyes, muscles, pancreas, and brain. Accumulation of cystine in the body cells will cause disorder in the function of the organs.
AS Society
This Society comprising members of the board of directors and a rheumatologist started its activity in 1990 and it received its official permit from the Interior Ministry in 1993.
Dystrophy Society
The Dystrophy Society that intends to extend all out support for the patients affected by dystrophy disorder received its permit in 2006 after three years of untiring efforts. The first plenary meeting of this society took place in May 2007 officially starting its activities as of the mentioned date.
EB Society
In November 2011 Dr. Ms. Moazenzadeh started a series of activities aiming to bring families of the EB affected patients together in order for them to exchange their experiences on the methods of their care for the EB patients and to become familiar with the relevant new ones. During the sessions for exchange of experiences Dr. Ms. Mahsooni, a prominent pharmacist, presented a cream made by her of coriander that was very good effect on the EB caused bruises. It is to be mentioned that in the course of her activities Dr. Ms. Mahsooni has made lots of efforts to produce the desired formula in order to relieve pains of the EB affected patients using the Iranian traditional medicine.
ALS Society
Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a severe rare disease affecting nerves connecting the brain to the muscles. In this disease the affected nerve cells fail to maintain the vital communication between the brain and the voluntary muscles, therefore, the muscles gradually weaken, start to twitch and waste away (atrophy) and eventually become totally disabled.
Alopecia Society
The Alopecia Society intends to support alopecia areata affected individuals providing them with psychological and social assistance. The support and assistance provided by the society are based on the settlement of the internal psychological conflicts of the patients, promotion of acceptance skills (on the complications and symptoms of Alopecia) self-esteem, positive attitude, increasing of hope, modification of failed approaches and vision towards the body…
NBIA Society
Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA) is a group of rare, genetic neurological disorders characterized by abnormal accumulation of iron in the basal ganglia. This disease is a genetic disorder that typically follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. Main clinical symptoms of this disease are disorders in function of muscles particularly with respect to movements of organs of the affected individual. Non-voluntary congestion and contraction of the muscles cause movement abnormalities, some very painful.
MPS Society
In dealing with this kind of disease, enzyme replacement therapy with laronidase (Aldurazyme) for treating mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 started in 2005 and in the course of time, other enzymes were used for dealing with other types of MPS.