The 1st workshop about “Rare Diseases Foundation of Iran” was held for health experts in Feb. 20th, 2019.
04 Mar2019
RADOIR & ROYAN Institute in Scientific Collaboration
RADOIR and ROYAN Institute have signed scientific collaboration MOU on Monday in Feb. 25th, 2019.
17 Feb2019
Cordial Meeting Session with RADOIR’s RD Patients Societies
RDOIR Deputies cordially hosted and met with its rare patients societies on Saturday 16th Feb., 2019
16 Feb2019
Honoring 10th Rare Disease Day in Iran
10th international congress on the occasion of Rare Disease Day by believing in the theme ‘’RARE but not ALONE!’’ in order to sympathy, supporting rare patients as well as presenting RADOIR’s lastest scientific, training and social achievements which will be held at Razi International Conference Center (RICC)on the March 2nd , 2019.
13 Feb2019
Screening is one of the most significant factors in prevention of non-communicable diseases as well as rare diseases.
23 Jan2019
5 Best Practices for Engaging with Patient Advocacy Groups
By Ed Miseta, Chief Editor, Clinical Leader
Patient recruitment has always been challenge for companies conducting clinical trials. Knowing how to properly engage with advocacy groups can determine whether they will treat you as a trusted partner or a necessary evil.